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The “Go Green” signs you see displayed around various stores and window fronts are more than a catchy, mainstream term to be thrown around. “Go Green”, as well as other environmental awareness campaigns, are intended to spur humanity into taking proactive steps to protect the environment. In fact, it is the moral obligation of humans to ensure the survival and sustainability of the planet for future generations. Without the aid of human contribution towards this effort it is possible that humanity, as whole, will be unable to survive on this planet for long. And because a majority of the damage down to the environment is done through human choices, it is only through better, healthier choices that the planet can see a shift in it’s well-being, and thus, the well-being of humanity as well. Therefore, it is our responsibility to change our behavior and learn to improve upon our actions towards the environment.
One of the best ways to proactively take steps in the right direction is to become more environmentally conscious and to teach others how to become more environmentally aware, as well. By understanding what impact our actions have on the environment and behaving differently we will help to save not only the planet but humanity as a whole.
Environmental awareness means exactly what you may think: an awareness around the natural environment and the choices that either promote its well-being or cause it more harm. It is also the awareness that the earth is in need of protection for its survival. Along with this, the term “environmentalism” is an ideology that humans are responsible to protect and preserve the environment from human-caused afflictions. As previously stated, human-made choices are the number one reason why the planet is becoming sicker every day. Environmentalism on a large scale is one of the best ways to combat the devastating consequences of these human decisions and help the planet’s health take a complete 180 degree in the other direction.
To best combat the environmental issues we are now facing, it may be helpful to understand some of the top problems that cause harm to our environment. These include:
Obviously preserving our planet is important but, really, how important can it be? To answer this question it would be best to take a look at just how damaging environmental pollution can be not only for the planet but for your own health.
To start off with, the concentrations of greenhouse gases are continually increasing, even by more than a third since the industrial revolution. What this means is that as greenhouse gases increase, global temperatures rise and a myriad of other consequences are encountered, such as:
Furthermore, without environmental awareness and proactive measures being taken to preserve our planet, everyone is subject to breath in increasingly poor air quality which translates to an increase in serious health concerns for humans.
While Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd every year, it is vital to the health of our planet that we cultivate a deeper awareness of how to preserve our planet all other days of the year, as well. Some ways in which you can promote environmental awareness and include:
As mentioned, one of the best ways to reduce environmental pollution is to switch from plastic water bottles to aluminum bottles instead. In particular, drinking rainwater in reusable aluminum water bottles not only helps to save the planet but is also the most sustainable, healthiest, and most delicious form of water on the earth today. Make the switch to alkaline rainwater and feel good about your contribution to your health and planets well-being today.
Through the sharing of stories, we are uniting communities around the globe to ignite a ripple effect of authenticity and empathy for all people, everywhere.
The Heart Water Foundation® is an expression of compassion and hope. A percentage of profits flow to the Heart Water Foundation to provide clean drinking water to water-challenged communities around the world. For every Heart Water purchased, you are making a difference.
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