What Does it Mean to Be Environmentally Conscious?

Being environmentally conscious means that not only are you mindful of the effect that you and your actions have on the environment, but that you actively go the extra mile to make sure that your impact is minimized. This applies to anything you do, whether it is commuting to work or school, or selling bottled water.

In the case of a consumer, it can mean a lot of things. It can mean that maybe you bike or walk to work instead of driving or taking public transportation. It can mean upgrading to low-flow toilets and showerheads to mitigate some excess water usage. Maybe it even means driving a hybrid, or a fully electric vehicle, and buying carbon offset credits for the things you simply cannot avoid. Sometimes, it can be as simple as knowing which bottled water company to choose, because they keep their impact on the environment to a minimum.

If you are a company, being environmentally conscious means you do everything within your power to make the most eco-friendly product you can because you are conscious that this environment is delicate. While it is resilient and forgiving, it can be harmed most readily by corporate interests who are there to exploit what they can. It means making sure that you are investing in the proper technologies and methods, the ones that are going to make sure the product you harvest and sell will continue to be available for your consumers.

Benefits of Becoming More Environmentally Conscious

When you center your thinking around consistently becoming more environmentally conscious, you begin to see more value in less. Recyclable materials become far more attractive than cheaper disposable ones, even when the eco-friendly alternative can be more expensive. On the other hand, you are also utilizing more renewable and recycled materials, so often your lifestyle becomes cheaper at the same time. This can frequently even out many differentials in environmentally conscious varieties of things, versus the alternative.

For a company, becoming more environmentally conscious can save a lot of money in the long run. For bottled water companies, for example, if they are harvesting spring water, they need pumps and tanks to be able to pull the water from the ground up to where it will be stored, treated, and then bottled. That same bottled water company likely uses the standard plastic water bottle, which is convenient and cheap for the consumer, often has other expenses down the line.

For instance, the equipment that expands the bottles and fills them needs to be maintained, and hot plastic can end up leaching harmful chemicals into the water anyway. Then the water bottles are just thrown away in more than 90% of cases, so there is no return on any sort of recycling initiative either. Then the company needs to buy more plastic bottles, fill them, and so on, and the cycle just repeats with more plastic bottles. Whereas a company that uses bottles that are consistently recycled nearly three-quarters of the time, and can be back on the shelves with more water in just a 60-day recycling process, is making a positive effort to steer clear of the plague of plastics choking our planet.

Another benefit to becoming more environmentally conscious is that you immediately become more attractive both as a consumer and as a company. It’s no secret that more and more people are waking up to the reality of climate change, and we are already seeing more and more of those effects in our daily lives. Those who are aware of the impact of others acting positively will generally patronize companies they know are making an effort, while companies that are making an effort are doing it because they care and they want to provide a more responsible option.

Environmentally Conscious Steps You Can Take to Protect the Environment

Large companies taking the steps to ensure that their businesses are doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint is fantastic, but there are ways everyone can treat the planet better. Not only are these things better for the environment, but they are also great ways to save money.

Less Consumption

One of the hardest, but most beneficial, things you can do is reduce your family’s consumption. A clearance sale or the hottest new gadgets may seem like must-have items, but really none of them are essential and most of these items won’t be used much.

Reusable vs. Disposable

Think about how often you buy something and then just throw it away that same day. Disposable cups, bottles, grocery bags, and food containers are just a few of several single-use items that end up being thrown away, only to end up filling our landfills and oceans with plastic.

The good news is, for every disposable item, you can find at least one permanent solution. If you make the change to use reusable items instead of the convenient disposable version, you’ll end up saving yourself so much money as well as reducing how much trash you produce.


They say one man’s trash is another’s treasure. Whoever coined that phrase knew one of the oldest ways you can protect the environment: reusing items. Use your knowledge of arts and crafts to be more environmentally friendly.

Companies That Are Environmentally Conscious

There are companies out there that are doing everything they can to create an environmentally conscious product that is recyclable and renewable from source to destination. They make sure that not only are their harvesting methods sustainable and low-impact, but that their packaging and distribution networks are also geared toward environmentally conscious operations and growth.

By harvesting rainwater directly from the source, they ensure that local water tables, aquifers, and other water sources are not harmed by any industrial processes or substances. By using a unique purification process, they can retain all of the nourishing properties of the rain, while eliminating any potentially harmful elements.

If you are ready to positively impact the environment and, thus, your own health and well-being, then you need to switch from using plastic water bottles to a sustainable, renewable water bottle. Try the cleanest, most environmentally friendly water today made from sustainable rainwater that is packaged in a renewable aluminum bottle. Not only will you feel better about helping out the planet, your taste buds will also thank you for making the switch.

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